Morpeth Hunt Pony Club


Dress code

Click here to read the Morpeth dress code

Members are not permitted to ride in hoodies at pc activities, including rallies, training or practices - this is for health & safety reasons. Also please note that for pony racing and cross country riding (fences 0.80m high & above) fixed peak hats must not be worn


Organisers of all our events have taken reasonable precautions to ensure the Health and Safety of everyone. For these measures to be effective, everyone must take all reasonable precautions to avoid and prevent accidents occurring and must obey the instructions of the organisers, officials and stewards


Please note: if you've booked to attend a rally and have to cancel at the last minute, please ring Jane on 07729476642 before the rally or send a text to Michelle on 07765 925850

If you have any queries please get in touch, thank you (

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Spurs training 15th February new

Games study day 16th February

PC Meet 25th February new

Half term rally 26th February  

Stable management rally 27th February  

Area Quiz 9th March

March rally 23rd March

Easter rally17th April  

All day rally 22nd April - details to follow

MHPC Show 4th May - details to follow

All day rally 29th May - details to follow










Camp 2025


Postal shoot

PC Hacking Challenge

Games training


Area & National Dates