Hound Exercise

 Saturday 1st August, parking at Buckshaw






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This event is now full, anyone else wanting to join will be put on a waiting list

Members with places are
Charlie Parker
Olivia Bell
Angus Dixon
William Dixon
accompanied by Ewan Macaulay



Please be ready to move off at 8am


Covid 19 Regulations


1.      You will ensure before attending the ride, that you are not displaying any COVID symptoms requiring self-isolation i.e. high temperature or a new persistent cough; or living with anyone who is displaying any symptoms

2.      You will not attend if you have been told to isolate

3.      If symptoms are evident, for you or anyone in the household following the ride, you will contact the organiser to let them know and you will stay at home in line with government guidelines

4.      You will thoroughly wash or sanitise your hands on arrival

5.      You will follow standard social distancing at all times possible i.e. remain at least 1m distance from others

6.      If you fall ill, or display any of the symptoms during the ride, you will advise the organiser then return home immediately, avoiding touching anything where possible and follow advice on self-isolation


This will be a steady early morning ride following the Morpeth Hounds, moving off at 8am

This is only suitable for riders off lead rein

Places are limited (following current Government and PC guidelines) so please book early

Cost £10 (pay on the day) limited places

Please email Michelle  (web@morpethfoxhounds.co.uk) to book a place